Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Do you donate quilts?

I belong do a group that makes tiny gowns, fleece  and knit blankets, hats and toys for preemies,
I also donate quilts to Quilts of Valor and a few other charities.
But honestly seeing this video made me feel like everything I have ever donated
has real value.  You just never know when what you have made will touch a heart
and make a difference.
Please watch this video if you donate quilts, it will warm your heart :0)
donate if you can :0) and Happy Sewing,
This scrappy quilt went to a wounded female Marine in 2010.


  1. Wow....what a great story. I would have loved seeing that reunion.

  2. Wonderful video! Thank you--with tears.

  3. Yes, I do donate quilts, and I love that the quilt can bring emotional as well as physical warmth...thank you for sharing!!

  4. The video is a bit of a tear jerker! Thanks for the link.

  5. Took me forever to figure out I had to click on DONATE to watch video! It was awesome. It's been a while since I've donated a quilt to charty, lately I've been knitting scarves, but I will again, soon - especially, if folks I know will stop having babies and give me a break!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)