Saturday, April 12, 2014

Not much sewing going on here!

I have been trying to keep up with my granddaughter as she practices her scooter riding....

Frisbee throwing

Picking flowers for her Aunt

helping put away sillverware

playing with grandpa

singing to teddy on the front porch swing

practicing her ribbon dancing

trying to convince grandma the water is NOT cold

Trying to warm up after being in the pool :0)

snuggling with teddy bears

dying eggs

trying to figure out what grandpa is talking about

making a tee shirt for  my little horse lover

decorating her Easter basket.....flying kites, riding her two wheeler, going to the beach, the playground, planting flowers,
playing computer games, cards,dominoes,baking cookies, helping with dinner, going out for treats and
all the other wonderful things I get to do when my granddaughter visits but...NO Sewing :0). 


  1. Crazy how life gets in the way of sewing sometimes! Looks like good times!

  2. I'm surprised learning how to sew isn't on the list - and may I say, it is a mighty long list... I'm tired just reading it. Think of all the wonderful memories you are making together.

  3. It sounds much better than sewing!

  4. You may not be sewing, but you're sure having fun! And that's the whole point. Right?

  5. Ah, but you can always sew when she's not visiting! And maybe some day, she (Lily?) too, will want to sew?

  6. Oh Kim, Lily is just precious. How can you stand to let her go!! I love all the pictures. Your house looks lovely: funny thing is we have a porch swing that looks exactly like yours, although ours is dark. SAME setting, exactly! Railing, house etc...Great excuse NOT to sew!

  7. But there is no complaining from the Grammie, I know!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)