Friday, July 25, 2014

Quilting spirals

The finished baby quilt has four spirals on the top breaking the top into quarters

I did each spiral in a different color

It isn't as smooth as I'd like but not bad for the first try.
Overlapping spirals

On each side where the  spirals overlapped I wrote the name of all the thread colors I quilted with: yellow,
red, blue and green.

I'm linking up with Amanda Jean because this is my first finish in a while :0)
Happy Sewing,  Kim


  1. Love your quilt.
    Now let's talk photography. I don't take the best pictures. Although years ago while taking pictures of the grandkids playing on the shady patio with the extreme sunshine of CA in the background and getting nothing to see on the resulting picture, I learned not to take pictures from the dark into the light.
    Your quilt looks like the added red is black... I was quite surprised when I saw the close-up and saw the red.
    Please don't take offence, lots of us take pictures like that. I just thought you might like to try a different angle, in case you are sending a picture to be in a juried show...

  2. Wahoo! This is a great quilt for some very lucky baby. Spirals! Aren't they very hard to do? Yours look really good.

  3. You are a machine quilting ROCKSTAR!

  4. I love everything about this baby quilt. Colors are so bright and cheerful. You have inspired me to try spirals on one of my quilts.

  5. Kim, I think your quilting is amazing. I couldn't imagine doing such equal circles...they are all equidistant from each other. THAT'S fantastic. And I wouldn't be too concerned about how the colors photograph, as one person mentioned. Who cares?? It's a baby quilt, right?? Enough said.

  6. I love spiral quilting and it looks so great on this quilt! wonderful job!! fun word quilting

  7. I think this type of quilting is so effective! I want to do one just like it!!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)