Monday, September 29, 2014

A generous giveaway!

Crazy Mom Quilts aka Amanda Jean is having a super giveaway.....
go check it out!  It is to celebrate her 250th quilt......darn I wish I had counted
all my quilts.

Happy Sewing, Kim

Friday, September 12, 2014

A finish

My jubilee quilt is done, I made it to celebrate my 60th birthday and got it done
4 months before my 62nd so not too bad :0)!  It was a fun sew along with Lori and Randy
and you can see more of these quilts here.  Happy Sewing,  Kim
This is my first machine applique quilt and I also used it to practice my machine quilting.
I am linking up with Amanda Jean come on over and see what everyone is up to.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Flags of the American Revolution

I've started another sew along with Lori we are using the book
by Jan Patek called Flags of the American Revolution".
Today we are showing our first block which is the center eagle.
I am using wool on cotton for the first time and here he is my eagle :0)
Happy Sewing, Kim
wool on cotton