Monday, September 1, 2014

Flags of the American Revolution

I've started another sew along with Lori we are using the book
by Jan Patek called Flags of the American Revolution".
Today we are showing our first block which is the center eagle.
I am using wool on cotton for the first time and here he is my eagle :0)
Happy Sewing, Kim
wool on cotton


  1. I love wool on cotton! I've added the link to your blog on the linky!

  2. I like to mix wool and cotton for applique. Makes for easy applique.

  3. Great idea to use wool - the texture will be so nice. Glad to find your blog via the quiltalong!

  4. Looks like a fun QAL. Love your striking colors!

  5. Great idea to use the wool . Love your colors.

  6. It looks like another fun QAL. Just had a few minutes or 10 at Lori's blog for inspiration - Hugs Nat

  7. Love the idea of wool on cotton. Will have to try that some time.

  8. Looking Great!! I debated the wool on cotton, but decided I had a whole lot of cottons to use! I'll be excited to see yours grow! And then probably want to make a wool on cotton version! :)


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)