Thursday, November 27, 2014

walking on the beach

 While it is snowing back home in Poughkeepsie I am enjoying a windy but warm walk on the beach in NC, I am so happy we live here!  I picked up a dozen sand dollars and many beautiful shells while walking 5 miles with a friend.......Life is good :0).  Happy Thanksgiving where ever you are.  Happy Sewing, Kim


  1. Yes, life is good!
    Happy thanksgiving too!
    I'm running a fabric giveaway, would you like to enter?

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
    Looks beautiful there today. ;)

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you Kim! I am very thankful for your blogging friendship this year! Your photos are beautiful, and could be the inspiration for a quilt!

  4. Happy thanksgiving - beautiful beach photos!
    Amazing catch of sand dollars.

  5. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Kim. Your beach pictures are wonderful. What a great place you have chosen to live in... sure beats the cold winters from before. Take care,

  6. Ah, sounds so nice. Great photos! Happy holidays to you and yours.

  7. "Back home in Poughkeepsie"? Is that some sort of Freudian slip?

    It was beautiful here, too, but in such a different way, with snow highlighting every branch.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you.


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)