Sunday, October 4, 2015

I might not be in Poughkeepsie anymore :0)

This is a large puddle from days and days of pouring rain, the heron and egret moved in for feeding,
I was taking pictures from about 20 feet away on my bicycle and never noticed the gator until I downloaded my pictures !


  1. EGAD!! Good think you weren't wading in the water. I don't think you'd likely see a gator in Poughkeepsie!!
    Can you send some of that rain my way??

  2. I'm not too far from Poughkeepsie. We got some rain but not THAT much. Poor Mid Atlantic East Coast!

  3. OH MY GOSH! be safe! I hope the rain drains away soon.

  4. Wow! I'm certainly glad he kept his distance.

  5. She probably moved in for the kill right after you left! Have you gone back to see if there are still any birds around?

  6. Yikes! Glad you were safely at home when you discovered that.

  7. Yes, that is quite an accumulation of rainwater. Hope you had no flooding in your home


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)