Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas

about half of clue #4
Bonnie's mystery kept me company while DH was traveling :0)
counting out my trapezoid units
Merry Christmas from the Beach!

Kimonos from Japan

Beautiful cottons from Japan, DH did a good job choosing :0).

Looking forward to the next clue :0)  Merry Christmas to all!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Allietare.....Clue #3

Bonnie's mystery is coming along, I am still working on clue # 3 and enjoying every minute to it.
Happy Sewing, Kim

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Side Trip

I loved this FREE pattern on Bonnie Hunter's blog so one day I just had to make it. My friend Debby Brown quilted it for me and together we donated it to Quilts of Valor.  I was told it was given to a  injured lady marine.
Scrappy goodness :0)  Happy Sewing, Kim

Monday, November 30, 2015

Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt: clue one

294 HST almost done :0)
It is time for  another one of  Bonnie's mystery quilts !!  I have made all but one and that was the year we moved.
This one is starting with grays and will progress to golds and reds :0)  next clue is Friday and I will be done with clue #1 by then :0).  Are you going to join in the fun?  Come over and have a look at the linky party on Bonnie's blog.  Happy Sewing, Kim

Sunday, November 22, 2015


gifts for my son on a recent visit.....a pot holder and a potato cooking  bag made with minions fabric :0)
Happy Thanksgiving!  Kim

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A side trip

A little sew along

Some of my favorite blogs have sewalongs from time to time, I like to join in because they are usually a small project I can do in a few sittings that give me a break from my larger UFO's that can take months or even years.  Like a little side trip when you are a longer journey.  Lori at Humble quilts just had one I really enjoyed,  The group that sewed along are having their linky party, come have a look and maybe next time join in the fun.  And while I am tooting my own horn I'll share this over at " Crazy Mom Quilts" too.    Happy Sewing, Kim

Sunday, October 4, 2015

I might not be in Poughkeepsie anymore :0)

This is a large puddle from days and days of pouring rain, the heron and egret moved in for feeding,
I was taking pictures from about 20 feet away on my bicycle and never noticed the gator until I downloaded my pictures !

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Good Morning

Arriving at the beach before the sun comes up

The suns glow peeking through the clouds

The brightening sky

a sandcastle from yesterdays fun

heavy clouds on the horizon

churning clouds making faces

birds coming out to feed

finally the sun breaks through

a small rainbow in the heavy wet clouds

Dune erosion from the heavy surf the night before

A new day

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Charitable oppoutunities

Four dress ready for Bolivia.
Lori over at Humble Quilts is going to deliver pillowcase dresses and is asking
for donations.  Send one if you can help.
Happy Sewing, Kim

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Birthday time

a table runner to practice my free motion 

Stars and  loops and some writing

This pattern is in the July/August 2015 issue of Fons and Porter's Love of Quilting.pattern by Patrick Lose

I found the perfect backing material too :0) my granddaughter is going to be 7!  Happy Sewing!  Kim

Monday, July 27, 2015

Learning to use my two new machines

The computer in this Bernina is amazing with tutorials, instructions and so many stitch choices it makes my head spin.....using the featherweight is just plain old sewing....nice to have the choice!

Happy Sewing, Kim

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Baby quilt

Won't this be a yummy baby quilt? Happy Sewing, Kim

Flags of the American Revolution by Jan Patek

Last year Lori had a sew along we all used Jan Patek's book " Flag of the American Revolution" I used wool whipped stitched onto cotton for my quilt.  Several shirts were used as background for the wool applique,  now I just can not decide on a border or if it needs one.  Opinions?
Happy Sewing, Kim

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Doll quilt swap

Patty's label on that quilt she sent to me

Sweet printed " Baltimore Album" replica. 

Patty outline the design with hand quilting

The back

close up of the lovely fabrics......Thank you so much Patty!

Here is the quilt I made and sent out

Love a nice nine patch

Thank you Lori for doing the doll quilt exchange :0)
Happy Sewing, Kim

Sunday, May 31, 2015


Rest in peace dear brother.

My brother died yesterday 5-30-15 after a long and brave battle.
He leaves behind his wife, two children and one special granddaughter, and his parents in law, many nephews and nieces, great nephews and nieces
along with his siblings, sisters and brother in law, and friends.
He was a fine man, served in Vietnam, retired from the Air Force and retired from his second career.
You will be missed by so many, may God welcome you with open arms.

Bonnie's mystery top pieced

Well I got the top pieced now I have to make the backing and get it quilted.
Thanks for the mystery quilt Bonnie, Happy Sewing, Kim

Monday, May 18, 2015

More Paducah: Elisabeth Frolet

This is such a beauty, I really admire every hand stitch.

 Doesn't this make you want to do a crazy quilt?  Happy Sewing, Kim

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


This quilt was amazing, I'm sorry if you didn't get to see it because the workmanship with
the quilting was just mesmerizing, I know I stood and studied it for quite a while.  Bethanne knows what she is doing with a longarm machine!  You can see the whole quilt and other winners here, but look at these close ups!!

Best longarm quilting on a wall quilt.

I think Bethanne has many hours of practice and TONS of talent!

look how she worked the quilting design right into the flying geese borders.