Monday, January 8, 2018

On Ringo Lake

 I put this up on my window and Blook how it matches my sewing studio color :0) ( I didn't pick this color it was in the house when we bought it :0).)
Made this one half size due to lack of melon color.  Happy Sewing and Thanks Bonnie Hunter for another delightful mystery.


  1. Kim, it came out great. You'll have to hang it on a wall in your sewing studio; or put it on a chair.
    Bravo to you for getting it done so quickly!!

  2. I love your quilt. Great fabric choices. Hugs

  3. It looks great - such pretty colors!

  4. Very nice! It is obviously meant to be in your sewing room.

  5. I am thinking of doing mine half size too because I get overwhelmed by the big ones. Do you mind telling me how big yours turned out. I didn't see any final measurements on Bonnie's pattern. Your quilt is beautiful. I like the red and since I am low on the peach, I may take your lead.
    I love your blog, thanks for sharing.


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)