Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day...a day late

Yesterday was Father's day......sadly I didn't think of my Dad. He was of the generation of raising children to be seen and not heard. I was one of seven siblings and we didn't know our dad he worked hard to support us but was gone more than he was home. I never had a conversation with him or remember him saying my name. When he died I mourned for what could have been and how I wish I could have known him. This 6.5 inch square stenciled remembrance gave me some time to reflect about him. May he rest in peace. Happy father's day dad........a day late.


  1. Thanks for the visit to my blog.
    Yes, this grandmother thing is awesome.
    I know I won't see Benjamin but maybe twice a year
    and that's going to be hard. He'll be coming to Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving to meet the rest of the family. Then we'll see what 2010 brings.
    I love meeting folks through this whole blogging thing...have a great day!

  2. That's very sad Kim, father's are so important... my Dad too was always very distant I think maybe it was that generation? Mine is 98 now.


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