Sunday, June 21, 2009

I saw this block here:
and just loved all the secondary blocks and designs so I have started another scrap project.
One block down 24 to go :0)......funny thing is these are the exact same size units as "swing your partner" so I'll be using some of those left over units . And Wimbledon starts tomorrow too!
Happy Father's Day!


  1. yours is looking good, nancy kept posting hers to the point that I started one too., just to be different I am mixing in solids, I have 8 blocks done and can't decided on borders, may wait until I get all 25 and then see what happens.

  2. Have you made any more progress with this? I am stalled out at 290 blocks, but I'm itching to get back to it. Just...gotta...finish...this...handquilting...


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)