Friday, July 31, 2009

"Scraps & Shirttails"

Yesterday I got to do some free shopping at my friends thrift store.........she gives me 100% cotton shirts if I use part of them for a charity quilt.....which I do in the form of a QOV.
Some of these have never been worn!
I'll be looking at " Scraps & Shirttails" by Bonnie K. Hunter for some inspiration.......but I do have a few ideas too. Happy Sewing!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Best of Show

Okay so I could not stop looking at this fantastic quilt. Made by Ronda Kae Beyer of Tualatin, OR. Ronda was inspired by a trip to Darwin, Australia.. This is an original design. It was Best of Show at the "Maine Quilts 2009" 32nd annual show in Augusta.
Hand applique, machine applique, long arm, with a stitch regulator, with a machine quilting frame system. It is an 80 inch square. " Loving traditional in a nontraditional way..."
It was so evenly quilted with original quilting motifs.
The backing fabric had all the colors repeated on the front. What work of art!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Wedding ring

This wedding ring quilt was given to me by my Mom who thought it was made by my great Dad's uncle's wife.......but sadly there is no label, no dates, no clues. It is true a beauty though....a 78 inch square work of fine quilting and stitching.
I'm off in Augusta, Maine with my friend Debby...she is working and I'm stimulating the economy at the quilt show this weekend :0). I left this post for you to enjoy in my absence.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Two completed QOV's

Debby and I have been busy piecing and quilting two more QOV'S

I hope whoever receives them will know how much we tried to thank and honor them with our work.

Kindness of strangers

Dawn, who I met in a chat group, sent me two complete quilt tops that need to be pieced. She was giving them away so I asked if I could have them to make for our wounded soldiers returning from war. Dawn sent them in the form of block of the month packages and soon they will be made into QOV's! Here is the first block! How kind, thank you so much Dawn.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fabric inheritance

I went to a 60 wedding anniversary party this past weekend. These are folks that have been best friends with my in-laws- for nearly 70 years. After the party I was offered a look in the attic to take some fabric.....I left with four boxes of fabric! Here is a picture of it back at my house being sorted. The huge pile in the front is all cotton, the other fabric will be used to make bedrolls for the homeless by a local sewing group. Can we ever have too much fabric?

Friday, July 10, 2009

I use to make small quilts

This 13 inch square quilt was made in 1992 from a book called " Tiny Traditions" least that is what I have written on the back :0)
This little quilt measure 14X17 inches........I did not sign it or date it, sadly I can't tell you too much about it but I still like it . I pull these little quilts out for their associated holidays to bring in some color to our rooms. The fabric on the back has "America the Beautiful" written over and over separated by little stars.

Two quilts at once

I can't remember ever working on one project at a time. So even though I did mostly decluttered my design wall I still have two projects that I am currently working on up on the wall. Both inspired by blogs of fellow quilters. ( and as soon as I learn how to I will give you a click on to both of their sites :0) ).

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Where is summer?

I told myself I was not going to do Bonnie Hunter's newest mystery because I have so many projects in progress,....... "finish up some of what you have started" I told myself. Did I listen? No, here is clue number one done. The saving grace on this mystery is the clues will be slow in coming since its from a magazine that isn't a monthly publication.
Since its been so cool and rainy here in Pokeytown I have been doing more sewing then gardening anyway.
Now I think its time to clear off my "design wall" and use it for designing instead of having bits of this and that hanging about! That is today's project.......wish me luck that I don't get side tracked :0)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Crumb baby quilt

I finally finished the binding on this quilt this morning while watching the Ladies final at is a baby quilt for a dear friends newest grandchild....coming soon :0).

I learned about making crumb blocks from Bonnie Hunters site and freestyle letters from Lazy Gal Quilters site. I really enjoy both techniques and combining them is pure fun!

Happy 4th of July!

Block #4 and #5 of the Bunny Hill BOM

I might catch up on my these little blocks :0). Its great fun to have a portable project to do in the car. I try to make these into little "kits" that I can travel with so I always have something to work when I spent 3.5 hours in my Ophthalmologist's office.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Being a Grandma

This little face just fills my heart. I never knew being a Grandma would be so fulfilling.....I just can't get enough time with my little Lily. Now I'm back home and trying to get back into the swing of things but it sure is hard when I miss her so much.