Saturday, September 5, 2009

Another top finished

Shirt pockets left on...........
sewn right into the top
And its done :0).......into the pile waiting for Debby to quilt .
Love this top, I was going to give it away but I may have to keep this one.


  1. This quilt is just great, pockets and all!! Love what you did here. :)

  2. Love them both! Great simple designs. You made me want to pull out my shirts and start one too. Thanks for sharing - Hugs Natima

  3. Love these quilts with shirts fabric and simple design.

  4. FANTASTIC!!! I love that you included COLOUR!

    I bought ANOTHER shirt yesterday at a yard sale down the block to make the binding. Can't wait to get my quilted too.

  5. This is a fabulous quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Great quilt!

    I have a pile of quilt tops for Debby, too! If she'd stay in one place long enough, maybe she'd get some quilting done.

  7. I need to start collecting shirts! Love the pieces of pocket :-)

  8. These are beautiful! Might have to go looking through my hubby's closet......

  9. turned out very nice! did the stripes make ya dizzy? it is hrd for me to work with them or polka dots, Thanks for sharing,Amy


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)