Monday, September 14, 2009

scraps and the end of summer

I am ankle deep in scraps up in my sewing room.....time to sew some of them up and get them out the house. Have you noticed that scraps never really get used up they just keep multiplying?
I love the beauty of a perfect morning glory
One of my shade loving peonies going to seed. Yes, these are the true colors.

Its been a very wet cool summer here in Pokeytown, the vegetables didn't produce much, we had no tomatoes and no summer days with temperatures above the 80's. And now its nearly over.


  1. I have been wanting to do a string top for awhile, just can't seem to get started. I cut paper and glue sticked a red center to 48 blocks as a start- but they have been sitting around mocking me all summer. Can't decided whether to just add scraps any which way or do a light/dark thing. Keep showing off your blocks and maybe I will get off my chair and get further along on mine. cw

  2. I'm organising my scraps, its helping the view for now! Sounds like you've had a typical British summer!LOL Feels like I missed it this year!

  3. Make sure you show me the peony when I come. It's gorgeous!

  4. that quilt is going to gorgeous. I love the combination of your colors - Hugs Natima

  5. I love doing string quilts too. Sometimes when I just don't want to think about instructions, I crank out string blocks. I love to make them color controlled. Happy Quilting.
    Driving Miss Stacey
    Sew Far Sew Good Quilt Shop


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)