Thursday, December 31, 2009

Carolina Christmas

                                I finished my Carolina Christmas top today by adding the borders and
                                and ironing all those seams!  It is a big quilt so I am only showing 1/4 of it.
                                Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Nat is having a giveaway......check it out!

Its Nat's blogiversary!  You should see what she is giving away.......and the drawing is on my Birthday!

Good luck :0)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bonnie K. Hunter's "Carolina Christmas" mystery Clue #6 done :0)

                                I'm making progress on this mystery quilt.... right now it measure 80 3/4  inch square.....
                                Hopefully by tomorrow the top will be done!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

miniature quilt

                                100  yoyos in this 6 3/4 inch square quilt.  It was a pattern from miniature magazine that
                           used a 50 cent piece as the template with the finished yoyos the size of a penny, the pattern
                           is called the 51 cents quilt :0).  I do not recommend this as your first yoyo project!

                          I had fun showing my small Christmas quilts and getting them out each year to decorate my
                          home is a look back at my quilting history.  I wish you all a very Merry Christmas.            

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Little Christmas quilts

                              This is one of my very first quilting attempts...I was  so pleased with this little
                             15"x 20" inch quilt in the early 80's and I even hand quilted it!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Lillle quilts

                                This 17.5 inch square was one of my first log cabin quilts.  I love this block and
                                 have a made a dozen or so  log cabin quilts.  This one was made for  my Mom
                                back in the 80's and she put it out every year until she died.

Lillte quilts

                               This little quilt is 24" x 18" it was one of my first attempts at cutting
                               motifs from fabic. Lots of scraps with the nine patch squares finishing at 1".

Monday, December 21, 2009

Lillte quilts "Indian Puzzle"

                                This little quilt is 17.5 inch square with the center squares finishing at .5 inch.
                                I use to try and machine quilt and never got very good at it as these little quilts show :0).

Little Quilts

                                This was my first attempt at adding dimension to fabric with these
                                flowers.  Its based on a "Little Quilt" pattern by Alice Berg, Sylvia Johnson and
                               Mary Ellen VonHolt.  It is a 22inch square made in the 80's.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Lillle quilts

                               When I first starting quilting I worked fulltime and had two kids at home.
                               To make myself happy I would sew these small quilts.  Now I bring them out for
                               the holidays and use them as part of my decorating.  This little 12 3/4 inch square
                               quilt has 3/4 inch center square snowman in the log cabins and I quilted " let it snow"
                               by hand in the white areas.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Real Grandparents of Quin

                                Have you ever seen such happy Grandparents?  This is one loved little baby!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Quin's so excited

                                See how excited Quin is about his new quilt?  This is me and  my husband
                                loving up on baby Quin :0), he flew in from the Netherlands 2 days before our visit.

Quin's quilt

                               Debby quickly quilted Quin's quilt ( say that 3 times fast!) so I could deliver
                               it to him this past week.............he loved it :0).  this is my first string quilt :0)
                               but it will not be my last. 

Thursday, December 10, 2009

matching pillow cases

                                I made these yesterday to go with the quilt I gave my friend Margaret over
                                 the Thanksgiving holiday.  I'll see her again this weekend :0)

Gifts for friends :0)

                              This is a Dorothy Young mystery called "Mosaic tiles" I made it at Christmas time 2008.
                            My friend Margaret is the proud owner of this quilt and was she ever surprised when I
                             gave it to her!  I think she'll love the matching pillow cases too.
                            I get so much pleasure giving my gifts of quilts :0)                       

Monday, December 7, 2009

clue #5 Carolina Christmas

                              Bonnie K. Hunter's  mystery is moving along.......I wonder if this another quilt with the blocks set on point? 

back of clue #3 to show 2 inch strip in center

                                The center strip is cut from a 2inch strip every 2.5 inches on a 45 degree angle.
                                Happy sewing to you all at quiltville chat :0).  Our mystery is coming along...I think we
                                about half way through getting our clues for Bonnie's mystery.
                                This picture is showing that the strip is really 2 inches wide before sewing the triangles .

Friday, December 4, 2009

clue # 3

                              This picture show the 2 inch strip getting cut at 2.5 inch intervals at 45 degrees.
                            and where the triangle gets sewn on.....on the 2.5 inch side of the diamond.

clue # 3 cutting

                                This picture shows how to measure along the 2 inch strip at 2.5 inch intervals.
                             Line up one edge of the ruler at  the 2.5 inch mark and the other edge with the 45
                             degree marking on the ruler.

clue #3

                             This is clue # 3 and since I am cutting every piece from new fabric and not using scraps
                             I am trying to minimize the amount of wasted fabric.  So instead of using squares and  
                             rectrangles to make this unit I am cutting exactly the shapes I need.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bonnie K. Hunter's "Carolina Christmas" mystery

I'm a pushover for all things Bonnie K. no surprise I started her new mystery over at Quilvillechat.
This is gonna be a big quilt and this time I am not using scraps but cutting everything from my stash.
If you ever made one of Bonnie's mysteries you know how much cutting that is!  Wish me luck :0)