Saturday, March 19, 2011

A heart for Japan

Bonnie Hunter has information on her blog about donating quilts to Japan
through Quilter's Newsletter Mag.. At last something we can do in addition to donating to the
Red Cross!  Please check out all the information at Bonnie's blog and give a new quilt if you can.

If you only have time to make a block then please visit Beth ,she will be making a quilt from our donated blocks.

Happy Sewing,


  1. Thanks for helping to get the word out, Kim!

  2. Thanks Kim, I just commented on another blog this subject - Hope you are keeping well - Kit got a job with BHG woohoo! Hugs Nat

  3. Thanks for adding the link! It will be exciting to put a BLOGLAND quilt together!!!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)