Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Victoria's Excellent Quilting Retreat

Here are nine very Happy Quilters.

 Start with me at the back, LeeAnn, Karen, Andrea, Jackie, front row: Jessica, Helen ( no blog yet but coming soon :0) , Bonnie and our fantastic hostess Victoria.

What happens when quilters get together  all with  different ages, talents, and life experiences ?   You party!  But with quilters you create, you share your creation and talk about it, what color would add more?  How big do I make this?  You listen to what others have done that worked for them.  It all just releases a special kind of creativity being in the environment where you don't have to worry about cooking, cleaning, transporting anyone and the million of others things women do in a day. In a nut shell its being set free with your sewing machine to do as you please in a supportive environment of terrific ladies.  All I can say is it was Inspiring and a fun time was had by all!
Victoria walking us over to the American Folk Art Museum

Jessica's hand pieced star  top  in progress
Andrea cheering on Jackie as she creates her blocks
Bonnie's needled turned tile blocks.
Bonnie's paper pieced star blocks.
Victoria, Jackie and Karen enjoying one of our fabulous meals.
LeeAnn's HST creation!

Jessica's fantastic squares.
Karen's ideas coming together
Helen's paper pieced strips for a vest all made from scraps.
Kim's Owl coming together.
Victoria's creation growing and changing with colors she hasn't used together before.
Jackie's table runner coming together one tiny paper pieced at a time.
Love that sausage dog fabric in LeeAnn's HST.

And when I got home I found  the snow  melting with a few snowdrops blooming in my yard!  I'm all recharged and inspired to do some new work at my machine!  Happy Sewing, Kim


  1. SO, i mean, SEW much fun we had! I'm so happy you were able to come kim! it was a glorious weekend! I'm off to sew and pack... enjoy spring!

  2. Great photos of the retreat! Yes, I'm energized for more sewing too. So glad to meet you and laugh with you. I'm ready for a reunion this weekend!

  3. looks like you guys had such a blast. what fun. hoohoo to you.

  4. Oh how much fun is that!!! I love getting together with my friends.


  5. Oh How FUN!!! quilting with friends. The perfect weekend.

  6. Hi Kim,
    My mum just showed me your blog, which is fantastic. I love the quilts in this post! I wish I had gone to that museum when I was in NYC.
    x Kit

  7. It looks like it was so much fun! Saw your owl on someone else's blog ... can't remember where. Super cute!

  8. Those are some fabulous quilts, KIm!

  9. We had a fantastic time, didn't we!! I hope that Victoria decides to have us wacky quilters again!! We have some buds finally coming up too!


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