Tuesday, March 13, 2012

BASICS....what's it all about?

"White baskets"

Quilted by Jackie
Have you heard of  BASICS?
I didn't either until my friend Victoria
( Bumble Beans Inc)  told me about it.  Look at all the good that has come from Victoria's efforts :0).   This top was recused from a friends flooded basement, I finished it, and Jackie     (Canton Village Quilt Works) donated her quilting.
 Now the quilt is on it's way to a new home in the Bronx.
I hope you you have a quilt you can donate to families starting over too.

Happy Sewing, Kim


  1. Beautiful! First it is rescued, and then recycled!!! The making a shared effort is wonderful, too. Twice the love... and then donated to a worthy cause. That's a beauty, inside and out.

  2. It looks great with the blue binding!! So glad it is going to a great charity!

  3. it's a great save! I promise to find it a good home! thanks KIM and Jackie!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)