Monday, March 12, 2012

What's on your design wall?

keeping up with " Just takes 2"
 What is on everyones design wall?
Check it out at Judy's :0)
Sow along with Randy

And for another chance to win the "Quilts from a 100 blocks magazine"
enter over at Bonnie's.

Or right here with me :0).

Happy sewing,
Little blessing baskets


  1. What wonderful blocks.

    Definitely more sewing happening at your house than at mine!

  2. Oh, my -- two sets of Just Takes 2 blocks? I'm impressed, I'm doing good to keep up with a single set.

  3. zi haven't got one at the moment. Yours is gorgeous and eye catching! Hugs Nat

  4. My,my,my! You have such busy hands. You need to garden before you quilt yourself out of house and home.

  5. I love the feathered star block! Well done!

  6. Oh, you are spinning those plates over there, so many projects on the go. Your design wall is great, not a chance of boredom at your place! Great going, Kim ~


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)