Sunday, March 11, 2012

Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye to my motorcycle


  1. Nooooooooooo!

    we sold our 'first' bike to buy a washer and dryer. 25 yrs later finally got the bike we ride now.
    Guess we went from growing up to midlife pretty quick- lol

  2. I am so sorry! If and when it ever becomes time for me to give up my bike, I know I will go down in a sea of tears!

  3. Biker quilter oh no!!! But I did that once upon a time - you looks cool on it - Hugs Nat

  4. You'll always be one hot mama, bike or not.

  5. Gone, but never forgotten, and will always be part of you :)

  6. Oh no... are you trading it in for a long arm quilt? In my mind that would be okay, any other reason, I think you will really miss the motor cycle.

  7. I cannot believe you are saying good bye to your bike.
    Got to tell Rich.
    That's a cool pic.

  8. Oh, sorry to hear.
    My mother rode a Honda Silver Wing all over the US -
    Nice Bike!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)