Thursday, October 25, 2012

Meet Faye Backie

Faye worked across from Mary Fairgrieve and they came together and worked quietly down at the other end of the long room.  I would walk by and look for scraps for my floor quilt and have little chats with them.
Mary, Jackie and Linda,  (Andi in the background)

Faye's lovely hands working away

Faye building on her medallion in a little design wall space

Faye showing us her quilt during the show and tell at the end of the retreat. 
I enjoyed watching everyone's work take shape, walking down to that end of the room for a demo by Gwen and listening to them talk about quilting.  A pleasure to meet you Faye,  Happy Sewing, Kim

1 comment:

  1. I can how much fun everyone had at quilt camp. I have been to quilt camp only once, but I attended many day retreats - hugs Nat


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