Wednesday, October 24, 2012

six inch blocks

Do you ever do mindless sewing when you are supposed to be working on a project?
I started sewing together scrappy 1.5 inch blocks instead of working on my "sow along"
more six inch blocks

postage stamp size blocks finishing at one inch square

This rose is still blooming in my yard 10-24-2012!
with Randy.  Okay let's see if I can get back on task.   I'm linking up at WIP Wednesday  come on over and see what everyone else is doing :0).    Happy Sewing, Kim


  1. Oh my... those postage stamps are tiny. I admire your patience and discipline in piecing such them!

  2. I love postage stamps block and I have been them by hand. It's my take a long project, but mine are 1 1/2" square - Lovely rose! Hugs Nat

  3. what will you do with those teeny tiny blocks?


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)