Thursday, November 29, 2012

Blogger holding me hostage

I am unable to post any pictures at this time due to blogger holding my pictures hostage for a fee.
I have lost all of my photos.....has this happened to you?

Happy Sewing and I guess I am hold blogging until I can figure this out.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Olympic Park Utah

I've always been fascinated with the Olympic pin trading.  These were arranged  inside a snow flake design and reminded me of a appliqued tile quilt.
Add caption

some of the 2002 pins

so many of them just for trading!

Here we are near the bobsled run right before it started to rain.

a photo op station :0)

We were in the Olympics Park for some world cup skeleton runs.

Temple Square in Salt Lake City

The top of the Temple

The temple from neighboring building
Reflection of temple
The center of temple square is of course the Mormon Temple of Salt Lake City. It is majestic!
Everything in temple square is open to visitors except the temple.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Visiting Salt Lake City

view from our hotel room

more snow falling.....view from our room, of course we did not pack boots!

I don't think I have ever seen a sign like this before, it was posted near a tall building in Salt Lake City.

The capital building in Salt Lake City

walking away from the capital

Monday, November 19, 2012

Just takes 2

I got three blocks hand appliqued while traveling this past week.
Slowly but surely I will get this quilt made!  I have to show something over at Judy's so this is it :0). Happy Sewing, Kim

Block 72.  I cut out the design in freezer paper first then ironed the red fabric to the paper before appliqueing the design.

Taken from the Olympic park in Utah.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Just takes 2

I've got nothing to show over at WIP Wednesday even though I am working away on kitting up these blocks to take with me when I travel.  Here's what I do, cut out the fabrics ,  prepare them for applique  and put them all in Ziplocks.  Now when I have to wait at  an airport, or while sitting in a plane, train or car I can stitch my Just takes 2  blocks.  Happy Sewing,  Kim

blocks already to stitch

Monday, November 5, 2012

Design Wall Monday 11-5-12

There is a tradition at Gwen Marston's retreats where bits and pieces are picked up off the floor and little quilts are made, called "floor quilts" here is one of mine.
playing around with  strips and squares

Other bits on my design wall I'm linking up over at Design Wall Monday come on over and have a look :0).



okay that's better.
 I'm going to be more careful when Randy releases the next set of 6 inch blocks and then I won't have to remake them!  Happy Sewing, Kim

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Mr. October

Look at this adorable quilt Joni sent me for our Oct.swap over at the Doll Quilters Monthly swap group.
This group has a lot of fun want to join in?  I hope to see you there :0)

Happy sewing,

Made by Joni R.
Taryn is having a doll quilt show over at her blog Repro Quilt Lover, I think everyone will get a kick out of see the quilt Joni made for me.  Why not drop by and have a look :0)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Orca Bay finally finished..A Bonnie Hunter mystery

 Orca Bay, designed by Bonnie Hunter and made with the quiltvillechat group as an online mystery.
Oh my goodness I finished this one just in the nick of time......Bonnie has put out the fabric requirements for the 2012 mystery.  I've done them all and can hardly wait for the new one!
Bonnie Hunter designs a quilt then gives it to us as a mystery.  It is so fun to sew it section by section then watch it come together as the clues mount up to a full sized quilt. 

The one in the picture is now in one of Bonnie's books and you can't  get the pattern for free. Her books are amazing, crammed with quilts, techniques and easy to follow instructions.  I hope you take advantage of this generous offer and enjoy sewing the mystery over the holidays with Bonnie.

I'm going to link up with Amanda Jean over at finish it up finish it up Friday :0) and Sara over at Can I get a whoop whoop? :0), come see what's getting done by all the other bloggers. 

Happy Sewing, I can't believe it is really November,  Kim

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Walkway Over the Hudson State Historic Park

Before this bridge became a state park this massive 1.28 mile steel structure was know as the Poughkeepsie-Highland Railroad Bridge, an Industrial Age superstar that once bore the weight of 3,500 freight cars a day.
When trains began rumbling over the bridge in 1888, it was the longest bridge in the world-a title it held for over a year.  It became a key transportation hub linking western raw materials to eastern industrial centers, until a fire in 1974 crippled the railroad bridge and it fell into disrepair and an uncertain future.
It took another 35 years before a grassroots nonprofit called Walkway Over the Hudson was able to successfully galvanize public and private support in the Hudson Valley and statewide to save the historic bridge and transform it into the park it is today.
The bridge re-opened on October 3, 2009 after a two-year construction effort.  Today the Walkway is the longest elevated pedestrian park in the world, returning it to the record books after 121 years.

DH and I getting ready to enter the walkway

Fall leaves

View from the bridge

This is the closest we have come to sunshine in weeks!

One beautiful red tree

Can you see the Fallkill  in the backgound?  It was once used to power this old industrial building in Poughkeepsie.

Looking north

Looking south at the Poughkeepsie bridge for traffic.

Fall in Poughkeepsie