Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Kevin the Quilter

20 blocks for Kevin the quilter's great QOV project, I hope you can help!
You can win prizes and this is such a great cause, remember Freedom isn't FREE
our brave service people fight for it everyday to keep us FREE.    thanks again, Kim
Okay what makes me do a happy dance?  Can I get a whoop whoop is asking and I have
to say Kevin the Quilter made my week this week!  He is  offering to make donated blocks into  Quilts of Valor quilts to donate to our soldiers!  How wonderful is that?  So I am sharing this blog post over at the linky party.  Happy Sewing, Kim

1 comment:

  1. Your blocks look wonderful Kim! I can't thank you enough for EVERYTHING! I can't wait to place these blocks into some beautiful Quilts of Valor for some veterans!


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