Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Quilts of Valor... Can you help?

Kevin the quilter is having a block drive......hey and a chance to win some prizes!
This cause is very dear to my heart so I want to help spread the word.
If you can help please do and let Kevin make some wonder quilts for our
wounded soldiers who fight to keep us FREE.  Thanks so much and Happy Sewing, Kim
Debby Brown and I made this QOV quilt in 2009.   Kevin's blocks are much easier and only have two seams PLEASE HELP :0)


  1. That was a fun quilt to make together. Maybe we can do another one sometime?

  2. Thank you so much for helping get the word out there Kim! I really appreciate it, and look forward to being able to cover many veterans through our efforts with this block drive!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)