Saturday, December 20, 2014

Both doll quilts done :0)

Both doll quilts are done to take to my granddaughter.

One is from Lori's sew along and the other is a simple postage stamp quilt, both made from 1.5 inch squares that finish
at 1 inch in the quilt.  The pillow and case are from a pattern on Amanda Jeans blog with an inch added to all measurements for the larger dolls.  I am linking up over at Amanda Jean's blog to show these cute quilts.
Happy Sewing, Kim

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Doll quilt

Backside of doll quilt in flannel with matching pillow.

Pattern for this doll quilt is on Lori's blog.  I'm linking up over at Lori's  where you can see all
the little dolly quilts that were make with her sew along.

Pattern for pillow and pillow case on Amanda Jean's blog, I added one inch to all her measurements for the 18 inch dolls.

Happy Sewing, Kim

Friday, December 12, 2014

The house is decorated outside :0)

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Fresh greens clipped from the yard to a swag, love the magnolia leaves :0).

Yes Honey I am off to another Christmas function ( notice the word FUN is in there)
Merry Christmas, Kim

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Nights of a Thousand Candles

strings of lights hanging from old oaks

reflection of lighted tree in pond

tree lighting ceremony

lights draped and reflected
A full moon in a 60 degree evening, perfect time to visit the gardens.

Brookgreen gardens has entertainment, food, and the beautiful gardens all lighted for Christmas

Monday, December 8, 2014

Christmas activities

Getting ready to board the boat to cruise the intracoastal water way to see the boat parade.

A decorated house along the ICW ( intracoastal waterway)

Another house as seen from the boat

decorated boat

decorated light house.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

December already!?

this block is in progress

Blocks for the American Flags of the Revolution quilt in progress, this quilt is a sew along with Lori :0), we are already up to month 4!

finally got all the detail stitches on this one :0)
Happy Sewing, Kim

Thursday, November 27, 2014

walking on the beach

 While it is snowing back home in Poughkeepsie I am enjoying a windy but warm walk on the beach in NC, I am so happy we live here!  I picked up a dozen sand dollars and many beautiful shells while walking 5 miles with a friend.......Life is good :0).  Happy Thanksgiving where ever you are.  Happy Sewing, Kim

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veteran's Day 2014

Thank you to all who have served and to those who are serving today.
That includes my parents, my four brothers, my sisters husband, their son and his wife,
and all the rest of the service community that have allowed us to be free.
Give thanks to these men and women when you see them in uniform and
remember Freedom is NOT free.

My Canadian mother and American father during WWII

Thursday, November 6, 2014

I love the beach :0)

Shrimp boats out working

The little sandpipers running in and out of the waves

Sometimes they run very close by

Even though it was a cloudy day it was still 75 degrees  the first week of Nov.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Making progress

Making progress on my Flags of the American Revolution quilt.  I enjoy the slow pace of hand sewing and having a portable project to take along while waiting here and there. I'll be linking up with  Humble Quilts to show my progress, you can slip over there and see how everyone else is coming along too.  Happy Sewing, Kim

These buttons are just lying on top auditioning . 

And .....DH bought himself a new toy.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Japanese Fabric

DH returned from his trip to Japan just in time to miss the
typhoon that hit the area, he was very happy he could change his flight
and get out in time. While in Tokyo he found some lovely fabrics for me,
some are recycled kimonos.
Indigo fabrics from Japan

 My plan is to make a small hexie quilt just like Helen's, have a look it is a real beauty.

Happy Sewing, Kim

Saturday, October 18, 2014

A small finish

12.5 X 8.5 inch small tumbler flag.
I saw this on my friend Helen's blog and just had to make one :0). I hand quilted it
with wool as the backing.    I'm linking up with Amanda Jean!   Happy sewing, Kim

Monday, October 13, 2014

Pumpkins are everywhere

One of my favorite bloggers is giving away one of her designs with a complete
tutorial on how to make it and a downloadable pattern.
Jump over and see Jill's beautiful pumpkin creation.

Happy Sewing, Kim

Friday, October 10, 2014

A finish that was started in 2011

Jackie had a  great BOM sew along in 2011 and each month she selected a blogger
to design a block.  I made all the blocks for two different quilts and finally finished
one of them :0).  Today I will be linking up with Amanda Jean to show my first finish
in some time!  Happy Sewing, Kim

I used a collection of fat quarters along with white

I machine quilted it with hot pink thread in a large spiral just like Amanda Jean showed on her blog.

Monday, September 29, 2014

A generous giveaway!

Crazy Mom Quilts aka Amanda Jean is having a super giveaway.....
go check it out!  It is to celebrate her 250th quilt......darn I wish I had counted
all my quilts.

Happy Sewing, Kim

Friday, September 12, 2014

A finish

My jubilee quilt is done, I made it to celebrate my 60th birthday and got it done
4 months before my 62nd so not too bad :0)!  It was a fun sew along with Lori and Randy
and you can see more of these quilts here.  Happy Sewing,  Kim
This is my first machine applique quilt and I also used it to practice my machine quilting.
I am linking up with Amanda Jean come on over and see what everyone is up to.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Flags of the American Revolution

I've started another sew along with Lori we are using the book
by Jan Patek called Flags of the American Revolution".
Today we are showing our first block which is the center eagle.
I am using wool on cotton for the first time and here he is my eagle :0)
Happy Sewing, Kim
wool on cotton

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Let's swap!

I'm ready to swap nine patches with 50 other swappers.

Happy Sewing,

Friday, July 25, 2014

Quilting spirals

The finished baby quilt has four spirals on the top breaking the top into quarters

I did each spiral in a different color

It isn't as smooth as I'd like but not bad for the first try.
Overlapping spirals

On each side where the  spirals overlapped I wrote the name of all the thread colors I quilted with: yellow,
red, blue and green.

I'm linking up with Amanda Jean because this is my first finish in a while :0)
Happy Sewing,  Kim