
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hey look at me!

Bonnie Hunter
has featured my quilts made from her books and patterns on her blog today :0)
Wasn't that a nice thing to do?  I'm so proud of my quilts,  thanks so much Bonnie for
teaching me to be a scrappy quilter.

Happy Sewing,
 My two "Roll roll cotton boll" quilts ( another Bonnie Hunter pattern) came back from being quilted by Debby brown last week!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Winding Ways

Winding Ways wedding quilt.
I'm not just watching out the window for owls.......I am making some progress on this winding ways wedding quilt too. :0)  Happy Sewing, Kim

Monday, July 25, 2011

Last nights Barred Owl visit

The barred Owl  was chasing down a rodent when the rodent hid under our fence, the owl sat there waiting for the little tasty morsel to come out!  Look at those black eyes and sharp talons.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Wildlife in Banff national Park


Grizzly Bear

Black Bear Momma and cub

Momma goat and three babies

sleepy baby

Deer     We loved seeing all the wildlife and beautiful sights in Banff National Park, the place is a true treasure.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Barred more time .

Barred Owl comes to visit

Lake Louise

Lake Louise from the gondola

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Peyto Lake in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada

Peyto Lake
This Lake was really this color, even on a rainy day it was just a beautiful site.  It is considered to be one of the 10 most beautiful lakes in the world.  It gets it turquoise color from the glaciers, we got there by driving on the "Icefields Parkway" on our way to the "Columbia Icefield" to walk on the "Athabasca Glacier" just a few more miles up the road.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Baby Barred Owl

He's watching me!

Morning visitor

 A baby Barred owl sitting on the fence

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ardis James Dies at 85

Ardis James,
a Nebraska-born philanthropist who with her husband established what is now the largest public collection of quilts in the world. ( NY Times 7-17-11).

How many stories have we read about this remarkable couple over the years?  They have done so much to further the art of quilting on Ardis's name for a slide show of their collection.

(quilting here for more on the James collection)

Happy Sewing,

Monday, July 11, 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Giveaway over at Quilty Pleasures

My quilt " Spinout" by Barbara Cline is the featured quilt today over at the Quilty Pleasures blog..........and a giveaway.......go check it out! Good luck and Happy sewing, Kim

Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Spinout" designed by Barbara Cline


designed by Barbara Cline

In the July/ August issue of "Quiltmaker" Magazine.
I think this is a fine looking quilt.  When I was a new quilter I would have been very unhappy with how I made this quilt and probably would have done many remakes and "unsewing".  Now I have learned to enjoy the piecing process, to relax about my mistakes, and imperfections in my projects.  Do they really take away from this quilt? Will these errors, that I am going to share with you, reduce the enjoyment the recipient receives from this quilt?  NO :0) I don't think so........ do you?

A recycled shirt with part of the pocket  still attached.

stripes don't line up

Two different stripes to make one pinwheel

Two different colors for border....two orange, two yellow

 pieced together shapes for triangles

Here is the basic foundation piece

side #1 cover with solid piece of fabric

I am using scraps and this piece will not cover the foundation shape #2

this corner is not covered

this is a scrappy quilt so I can just add a piece on

now the foundation is covered

cut away paper and fabric from cut line making sure to have 1/4 inch seem line all around foundation piece

there are several of these pieced together in my quilt.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hot Weather Gardening

Hot Weather can be really dangerous.

I love being outside and take serious precautions when it is really hot.
Please visit the above link for some excellent tips on staying healthy in the heat.

Happy Gardening,

Another giveaway for a Accuquilt Go!

Having an Accuquilt GO giveaway........jump over to her site and enter to win :0)
How I'd love to have a GO!

Good luck and Happy Sewing,

Saturday, June 11, 2011


New Hampshire hike
 One of my favorite things is being outside.
This is a park in NH near the Weirs Beach area of LakeWinnipesaukee where we hiked.  Lovely!

Huge cooling trees

tadpoles getting their legs in the warming clear pond

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

More Peonies

We are headed for some really hot days coming up this week so I quick took some pictures of the peonies before they get fried.  Sadly, I believe this is the last of the blooms until next year.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ami looking to Bloggers for help

Kim's donation quilt to Ami

made with scraps and salvage for Ami.

Ami Simms is a dynamo for Alzheimers!  She  works tirelessly for  research dollars for this group.  Maybe you can help by buying one of the quilts at her site and giving it as a gift this summer for a wedding or graduation gift.  It would be a lasting piece of art the recipient would treasure  not only as a gift from you but also as helping this great organization.  Happy Sewing, Kim