
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Villarrica Volcano, Chile

Lake Villarrica with the Volcano Villiarrica in the back ground
I'm just home from my first trip to South America.  The first place we stayed is Villarrica with amazing views of the Volcano of the same name.  My volcano hike was cancelled due to  too much snowfall the night before...remember it was still winter there, the country changed to summer hours while we visited.
Volcano Villarrica, Chile  9,338 feet, an active volcano with bubbling lava lake at the center that can viewed on  hikes.
Chile only has two seasons, Winter and Summer, so it was like early Spring while visiting, many of the trees and shrubs were just blooming and daffodils were in their full yellow glory.  The Villarrica's lake has shores lined by  beaches of black volcano sand.  The town was founded in 1552 by the Spanish  and is home to the Mapuche people.  There is a national park here and in the summer time is a tourist mecca, with white water rafting, horseback riding, kayaking, hiking, fishing, paragliding and zip-lining excursions.  In the winter there is skiing and the volcano has an impressive snowboard park with excellent amenities.

More of the trip later.......
Happy sewing, Kim


Mary said...

Fabulous photos! spring or fall? Didn't know that.

Terri said...

Fire and ice! You'd have to be careful while skiing! Thanks for the trip. I've never been to Chile.
Hope all is well at home... Hope Irene doesn't come to visit you.

Rachaeldaisy said...

isn't the world an amazing place!!Seeing that photo of a volcano covered in snow is amazing!!

Nat Palaskas said...

These are wonderful photos Kim! I'm glad I could tag-along with you to Chile. Glad you are home safe - Happy Sunday - Hugs Nat

joe tulips said...

Beautiful. Looking forward to more.

Pokey said...

Beautiful pics, Kim, what a wonderful trip to have taken with your honey!

Shelina said...

It is a beautiful place - you take such good pictures!